Scheduling Simplified

Not only have we made it easy to manage your day-to-day operations, from requests and overtime, to daily line-ups and asset assignments, we've also simplified the steps it takes to get your entire department from where it is now, to up and running quickly thanks to our assisted onboarding process and support team. Whatever your needs are, we've got you covered.

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Daily Shifts

Having a bird's eye view of the department is great when it comes to planning schedules for the long term, but sometimes you just want to see the who, what, when, where, and why of the people working today, that's where our Daily Shifts page comes in.

Not only can you see all those details (and more), but this page is also exportable, so if you like having a physical copy of your roster at roll-call for accountability purposes, this page is just what you're looking for.

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Message Blasts

When something like a department meeting is approaching, or an extra shift needs to be filled, you need a way to quickly communicate that to the department. Or, perhaps you just want to send a quick "Happy Birthday" message to one of your employees. All of these scenarios are easily handled by our Message Blast feature.

This allows you to craft a message, be it text and/or email, then send it out to specific individuals, specific groups of people, or even the department as a whole, right from Scheduler itself.

You can even create Message Blast templates, that allow you to standardize and expedite any frequently used messages. Every message appears in an audit log as well, so you have accountability for not only who received the message, but who sent the message in the first place.

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My Schedule

Equip every individual at your department with access to a personalized scheduling page, for ease of access to shifts, assignments, assets, time off requests, overtime requests, and more.

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Back to Home Scheduling Features

Quick to set up, easy to maintain.

Each department typically has its own unique contractual/union requirements that must be met when scheduling. This means we've continuously added new features to accommodate the unique needs of each department. Naturally, our software has grown to be quite versatile and able to meet the requirements of each new department. We accommodate full-timers (Permanent Shifts and Rotations) as well as part-timers (Availability Collection and Scheduler Generator), making your schedule building a breeze.

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Calendar Grid

Manage your schedules with our interactive Calendar Grid, presenting up to one month of shifts in a pleasant, informative, customizable format.

Choose your colors, abbreviations, labels, groupings, style everything to make it your own. It's your schedule, it should feel like it.

Use bulk edits and keyboard shortcuts to frame in the core schedule, then drill down into specific shifts to tweak & tinker as needed.

Live staffing totals prevent manpower shortages. Extra Shifts allow your team to post & claim open shifts on the fly. Use highlights & notes for holidays & events, restrict time off requests for certain days or groups, send emails & texts, view pay period changeovers, configure shadow assignments, submit requests, and so much more.

With the Calendar Grid, everything is just one click away.

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Permanent Shifts & Rotations

Easily create and assign on/off patterns for shifts, then use them to quickly populate an entire year's schedule for each person. You can even tack-on Time-Offs, Assignments, and more to these, all in one fell swoop. Scheduling rotations and repeating shifts for an entire year just got easier.

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Online Request Process

Frustrated with how long it takes for your request to be handled? Tired of still using paper request forms and physical "inboxes"? We get it, so we created an entire suite of online request forms and flows, each one configurable, instant, and (perhaps most importantly) completely fingerprinted and tracked, every step of the way.

Once submitted, requests are sent to the correct supervisors, along with notifications for both the supervisor, and the requesting user. Oh, and it's all automatic, no schedule editing necessary.

Our Supervisor Rules and Employee Permission settings let you customize these flows, as well as each person's level of access. Requests will reach exactly the people they need to reach, anytime, anywhere.

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Availability Collection

If your department supplements the schedule with part-timers, you'll need to know when they are available. We've got you covered there too. Easily collect availabilities, digitally overlay them onto the schedule, then pick & choose which days to plug in with just a keystroke.

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Posting Overtime

Create vacant shifts directly from the schedule, with options for Overtime, Special Assignments, and more, that everyone can see and request to work, including their preferred method of payment. You can then use our Message Blast feature to quickly notify your entire department, via email and/or text, that those shifts are available to claim.

As users submit requests for these extra shifts, you (as a supervisor) can easily see any scheduling conflicts, and conveniently have all of these requests grouped together, in seniority order. You can even pull up a list of useful information such as: How many OT hours each person has already worked, the most recent date each person worked OT, how many OT shifts each person has worked in general, and more.

Finally, you can then approve the people you want to award the extra shift(s) to, and reject the rest. This works great when you have multiple people requesting to work that extra shift.

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Minimum Staffing

Create staffing level requirements that Scheduler will automatically monitor for you. Staffing counts update immediately as you modify the schedule and approve requests. It will even trigger alerts when you are understaffed, including preemptive warnings on requests themselves.

You also have the ability to create one-off staffing level requirements for those days requiring unique levels of coverage, such as holidays, town events, sports games, etc.

Quickly see who is contributing to each staffing level and when, right from the schedule. You can round these counts up or down, or even allow them to go into decimals, to give you highly-specific partial coverage levels. On the other hand, if you want to declutter, you can avoid numbers altogether, and rely instead on "Simplified Staffing Totals", which use colors and symbols, rather than numbers, to reflect your staffing levels, but still retain all the checks & balances we've mentioned.

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Shift Bidding

For departments that need shift bidding capabilities, Pace Scheduler allows for the creation of one or more shift bidding periods to specify when employees are able to choose shifts and in which order.

Employees will then be systematically notified when it is their turn to bid, and may proceed to select their desired shifts.

Finally, admins may review and make any necessary adjustments before finalizing the shift bid.

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Vacation Bidding

Pace Scheduler also has the ability to streamline the process of vacation bidding.

Simply schedule a vacation bidding period for when your employees will bid, and Pace Scheduler takes care of the rest.

Employees will be notified when it is their turn to select vacation days, and admins will be able to manage and finalize all requests after the vacation bidding period has concluded.

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Features Overview Features Beyond Scheduling

Manage more than your schedule!

A few extra features beyond scheduling are available to you with Pace Scheduler, from Time Banks and Automatic Accruals, to Assignment allocation and Inventory Management. All modular, all configurable, and all included at no extra cost.

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Time Banks & Accruals

Since we manage requests, it makes sense for us to handle the time banks they affect as well. Not only do we track and display bank balances for each individual, but we also deposit/withdraw from them automatically, so anytime a request is approved, the appropriate time bank will immediately reflect that transaction.

You can even establish recurring auto-accruals for each person, so if your employees accrue 'X' number of hours on 'Y' day each week, month, year, anniversary date, etc., you can automate it with Scheduler.

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Beats, Zones, Areas, Districts, Sectors, etc., we've seen them all, and we built a feature-set specifically for them. These can be assigned from the schedule itself, or you can use the dedicated Assignments tab to easily divvy them up on-the-fly, such as during roll-call.

Our assignments tab is modeled after the roll-call process, so it will show you who is working today, and when, then let you assign them not only Beats, Sectors, etc., but also Cars, Rifles, AED's, and any other assets you have at your department, all with just a few clicks.

Like the rest of Scheduler, everything is automated and intelligent, so if you enter something on one page, all other pages will update immediately. No double-entry, no wasted time.

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Inventory Management

Assign, track, and document every single asset your department uses, then compile historical reports for each item, or your inventory as a whole.

Use our included Check-Out feature to quickly check-out and check-in assets for each shift. Create Permanent Asset Assignments for people who keep their cars, guns, etc. for extended periods of time, rather than returning them each shift. Utilize Scheduled Asset Assignments if someone is going to hand off an asset to another person during a shift change as well.

If your department has greater inventory needs, ask us about our ability to generate and assign barcodes to each item and employee. Simply scan the user, scan the asset, and you're done. Do the exact same thing at the end of their shift to check those items back in, making them ready for reassignment.

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Scheduling Features Reporting Features

Tailored Reporting

Pace Scheduler allows you to paint a more complete picture of what's happening at your department. Scheduler also translates this picture into the reports you use every day, and helps you better understand how your department operates as a whole. All our reports are exportable to Excel, some to PDF.

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Live Reports

The Hour Totals Report gives you an accurate hour summary, specific to the minute, for each employee. Every single item on the schedule is tracked individually, allowing you to obtain highly-specific reports, to eliminate redundancies and inefficiencies. If you ever wonder where everyone is spending their time at the department, now you will know.

All of your reports update as soon as a change is made to the schedule, so you always have current, actionable reports at your disposal.

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This report mimics a traditional Timesheet, allowing payroll personnel, and the employees themselves, to see how their hours are being calculated. This makes it easy to address any concerns an employee may have with payroll calculations.

Of course, privacy is of utmost concern, and each employee can only see their own reports. You can award broader viewing permissions to the people that need them, such as payroll personnel and supervisors, but your regular employees will always be restricted to their own data.

For those with the appropriate permissions, we offer the ability to export the entire department at once, into a single, organized file. This is useful when a pay-period concludes, and you need to gather everyone's hours.

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Shift History

As changes are made to the schedule, they are all logged on your site, allowing you to view the complete history for someone's day. This includes what each change was, who made them, and when they were made, all in chronological order and color-coded.

There are even filterable audit trails at your disposal, allowing you to zero-in on precisely how each person, group, or the department as a whole, is utilizing the schedule.

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Integrate with Payroll

If your department utilizes payroll software in their workflow, we can create custom exports tailored specifically to your software of choice.

We've created custom exports for Munis, Springbrook, Paychex, ADP, BS&A, NOVAtime, Paylocity, and many more. Simply put us in touch with your payroll system expert, and we'll work together to create exactly what you need, available at the click of a button directly on your Scheduler site.

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Features Beyond Scheduling Mobile

Available on Mobile

Our proprietary mobile application allows each member of your department to access their personalized schedule in real time. Manage shift changes, request time off, schedule overtime, and more.

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View Your Schedule

Quickly access your schedule from the convenience of your mobile device to check which dates you are scheduled to work.

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Request Time Off

The sooner a request for time off can be made, the sooner a replacement can be found. Whether it's vacation, sick time, or some special occasion, we've made it easy to empower your team to efficiently request time off from their mobile phone.

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Trade Shifts

Within just a few seconds of using our mobile app your team can quickly request to trade shifts with co-workers, receive notifications when their requests are accepted or rejected, and seamlessly communicate those changes with managers and all other necessary individuals.

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Schedule Overtime

Immediately after overtime is posted your entire team can be notified. Those interested in working can put in requests for overtime from the convenience of our mobile app.

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Stay Connected

Easily view your entire department's daily schedule in the past, present, and future to always know who is working each shift.

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Reporting Onboarding

We are here for you!

You aren't just another face in the crowd to us, we develop human relationships with our clients. We don't read off some script, or give vague, general answers, no way. We treat each situation as unique, listen to what you are saying, and give you the support experience we would want if we were clients. We offer email and phone support, as well as screenshare support sessions, should the need arise.

Improvements and new features added to the platform usually come from client feedback, therefore we are always curious in your ideas on how to make a process simpler, more efficient, or more robust.

Intuitive Design, an extensive Knowledge Base, and Support that's out of this world.
What are you waiting for?

Make the switch to Pace Scheduler!

Request Your Demo

We build your site for you!

Adopting a new method of scheduling shouldn't be a headache. To make the transition as easy and as simple as possible, we build your site for you, using your real data, and ensuring it looks as similar as possible to your existing schedules.

After we've completed your site creation, and worked with your admins to ensure everything is correct, we offer a full training flow, starting with Admins, then Supervisors, then Basic Users, with multiple checkpoints along the way so that nothing gets overlooked.

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Searchable knowledge base

Finding the answer to your question shouldn't be hard, and you shouldn't need to wait around for an email response to move on with your day. For this reason, we've crafted an extensive, searchable knowledge base that answers those questions, immediately, effectively, anytime, anywhere.

We are constantly updating our Knowledge Base with new resources, including instruction sets for each new feature we deploy along the way. Our entire Knowledge Base is accessible on mobile devices as well, scaling down appropriately, without sacrificing the full-depth of each article.

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Narrated Training Videos

In this day and age, most people learn new things via the internet, particularly through online videos. We understand this need and have created a robust set of online training videos to match. We're still here for person-to-person support of course, these videos simply allow you to learn our system when and where you want, without losing the personal touch that comes from someone verbally walking you through what's happening. Learn at your leisure.

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Interactive Tutorials

One of the best ways to learn something is by actually doing it, so we've also created interactive tutorials for many of our biggest features. These walk you through the feature step-by-step, allowing you to interact and test things in a sandbox environment. Careful, clear explanations and prompts are present on every step, so no one gets left behind.

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Cheat Sheets

Sometimes even experts need reminders, so we've crafted several cheat sheets that give you single-page summaries for the bigger features, with tips & tricks included to make you a power user.

You can even print these off and tape them up right next to your computer monitor, so they're at-the-ready when you need them.

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Full-Size & Miniature Help Docs

Want to use your entire screen to view our knowledge base in all its glory? We've got you covered. However, sometimes you want to see the instructions for something, and follow along with them on your site, right there on the same page.

For this reason, we provide a miniature version of our entire knowledge base right on your site itself, this way you can still use your site, while also following along with the instructions, rather than having to switch back & forth between windows.

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